A kind, compassionate supervisor once said to me, "Have you ever met anyone who had enough validation today"? No matter how you look at the research on human experience of challenges, problem solving behaviors, personality, mental health services, methods, etc. there is a ton of evidence that having social support is a key factor in overcoming hardship. Yet we are living in a world where social connection is in competition with internet connection, where we log on, hook up, swipe and sometimes seek attention rather than connection. As per the famous author Gabor Mate we are all living in a world that is progressively more focused on material wealth, competition and greed and less on living in harmony with nature and one another. Therapy is not friendship or community, but can offer a caring, attentive and healing space for a person to be seen heard and understood. Therapy can help a person understand what makes them feel connected and whole and get back to a healthier life with a more satisfying and meaningful experience. Reach out.